Published in Aug 2017

Education of our children is too serious for us to leave in the hands of other people

Children are born into social systems, societies. They are an integral part of a full social system for they are its beneficiaries and grow up to become its benefactors - or malefactors. Therefore, children are not merely born into a family or are the mere products of their parents' procreative efforts. They are born into a society. They are gifts to society. Nurtured by their family and society, they can represent that family's greatest gift to their social world.

Therefore, the conception, bearing, birthing and rearing of children - the educating and training of children to have a sense of social responsibility and purpose, social and cultural identity, high and healthy self-regard and respect for others, are of key importance in the development of a truly wholesome community or society.

The education of our children is too serious for us to leave in the hands of other people. We can't just turn our children over at will and give them away. We can't unwittingly take other people's advice about how to rear and deal with our children. They are always going to set things up in ways that work to their advantage, even when they have good intentions.

By Dr. Amos Wilson