Published in Aug 2017

How to be a mover not just a talker to achieve

1) You must be consistent. Every single day, day-in and day-out you get into a habit of doing the same thing every single day, not to a point where your life is boring but to a point where you are making progress.

2) Shut of destructions when you work. You have to respect your time, because you can never get it back.

3) Make a list(daily, monthly, quarterly, yearly, etc). The list will keep you focused, the list will remind you of what matters.

4) Keep a time list. Every time you are working on something, you write down what you are working on, and you write how much time you have put into it. Practise makes perfect, putting the time in, is how you will get your results.

5) You have to build the right life, your life has to be built around the idea of achievement. What does that mean? That means you have to manage your relationships, health and environment.


By Maish