Published in Nov 2017

The ability to come together and create markets is one of the keys to building international wealth

I would like to share a quick thought.

Much of the world's wealth is concentrated in European and Asian countries. These nations also "happen" to have the largest stock markets in the world. The point is that the ability to come together and create markets is one of the keys to building international wealth. By accumulating financial assets from various sources, you gain the ability to finance major projects, create jobs, and stimulate various forms of economic activity.

Compare it to how a night club or a college campus can increase the number of babies being born as the men and women get together and form relationships - the only difference is that in my prior example, we are talking about economic babies instead of physical ones.

So, this means that black people who participate in marketplaces, economic relationships, partnerships, coalitions, etc have a far better opportunity to be economically competitive than those who choose to remain isolated. It also explains why other parties have worked so long and hard to divide us.

United we bargain, divided we beg.

By Dr. Boyce Watkins