Published in Feb 2018

In the African Diaspora - You can't be free and alone at the same time

You can't be free and alone at the same time.

Actions occur through enabling institutions, for example, your church, political club, Greek organization, NAACP, etc. It's one reason I'm suspicious of any anti-poverty program that doesn't provide people, especially black people, money to sustain dues-paying organizations.

One of the perks of Winfield's Federal Job Guarantee is that it provides a wage that is more than mere subsistence.

Rather, Winfield's Federal Job Guarantee provides freedom wages. That's enough to actually save, or exercise power by supporting candidate, or pay dues to multiple local organizations.

There is a difference between the freedom purchased from a black dues-paying organization, and a black organization that depends on the favor of a handful of wealthy white moderates.

Having a sufficient variety of dues-paying black organizations is only viable with a black working class that makes freedom wages, not poverty wages.

It is through dues paying organizations that you can be free.
But dues-paying organizations require freedom wages. So ask yourself, can you really be free in America if the vast majority of your people aren't earning freedom wages?

We need freedom wages, much, much more than we need subsistence welfare.

By Irami Osei-Frimpong