Published in Feb 2017

Cold Economics

In Americas, most Africans who are descendants of slaves, don't understand how much of slavery, oppression, Jim Crow and racial terror was driven by hard, cold economics. In fact, if most black people were aware how many trillions of dollars were stolen from our people, the reparations debate would be over.


1. Slavery and Economy in Barbados -  Barbados was one of England's most popular colonies, with a rich economy based on sugar and slavery. Yet it was also the only colony to support the abolition of the slave trade. - by Dr Karl Watson

2. Slavery, the Economy, and Society - The principal source of slaves for the Cotton Kingdom was the Upper South, which included the states traditionally considered to be border states—Delaware, Maryland, and Kentucky—as well as Missouri, Virginia, North Carolina, Tennessee, and Arkansas.

3. The Economics of Slavery -  The “human capital” consisting of black men and women held as chattel in the states of the south was more valuable than all the industrial and transportation capital (“other domestic capital”) of the country in the first half of the nineteenth century.  - by Steven L. Taylor

By Maish G